Here are a selection of photos of areola and nipple tattoos by Lucy Thompson. Here we have examples from ladies who have kindly given us permission to share these images to show the beautiful tattoo work that can be achieved.
As you can see each case is very different and this is dependant on what type of mastectomy surgery they have had, whether they have had multiple surgeries to create their breast reconstruction, some people have had surgical nipple protrusions made and others haven’t.
Each and every single one of these bodies is beautiful and unique in their own way, we understand and appreciate the huge physical and psychological impact having a nipple tattoo holds!
These tattoos are often seen as the ‘cherry on the cake’. They are a way of being able to draw a line under the breast cancer journey and to be able to move forward. That’s why our tattoos will never fade away, we believe no one should ever have to go through losing a nipple twice.
Choosing to have a nipple tattoo should be an empowering moment and we’re always truly honoured to have such a positive impact on people’s lives with this truly healing tattooing!